All testimonials are of real people with whom we have worked. Only initials are used for confidentiality purposes, although many gave the approval for their names to be used, we feel most respectful to keep their names private and confidential.
Staff, parents, and student testimonials are from those that participated in personal development workshops with Ana Marsh, during her time as a principal. Other testimonials were of parents or student about the difference that the strong socio-emotional environment of the school, made in their success.
Ana’s leadership has allowed me to understand what leadership looks like, through her
vulnerability, her strength,
and her power. I have learned so much from her about how I
want to show up for myself and my community. She is such an anchor of grace and an
example of how to lead with love.
Read more

I feel blessed to have worked with a great leader such as Ana, who listened to her
employees and worked at creating a
healthy environment for everyone to grow in.
Read more

Ana made our students’ day brighter with welcoming energy. She is a visionary leader

Mrs. Marsh and her team were amazing! They care deeply for their students and go to
great lengths to support them.
That was even more evident this first year of the
pandemic. They supported not only for our children, but everyone. Mrs. Marsh got
parents to participate as much as possible, by working directly with them. It really made
a difference this year in our lives. My child is a different person this year thanks to them
and the way they work with your students. I am very grateful for all they have done.
Read more

Ana showed me that anything is possible. I believe that she also instilled the idea into
our students. I am thankful to her for
being who she is. Never change! She has been
the change that our school needed. I knew we were on solid ground because of all the
things she did I am grateful that she mad my time at the school more pleasant.
Read more

Ms. Marsh took her own time to teach us yoga and to be mindful. I always looked
forward to our Fridays and felt
peaceful. It was a great way to bring staff, students, and
families together. Together, we learned how to take care of our mental health, so that
we could support our community better.
Read more

The dream was always there but it was hard to take the first step. I came to the USA in
1997 with my wife and we were only supposed to stay for 2 years.
Then we began to
receive blessings; our children. After that, everything changed. Our frame of mind
shifted from worrying about us to focusing on the entire family. With work and the kids
schooling, time flew by quickly and we found ourselves stuck in a routine that was hard
to break.
The Principal began self-development workshops for the parents, and from there, it all
took off. The course gave us the strength and the mind frame of taking action in our
lives to do what we always wanted but never did. We are living by that phrase now,
“making decisions for the future by taking action in the present”. I am now a proud
owner of my own company. Thank God, the business is beginning to take off.
Read more

Mrs. Marsh offered self-development workshops for parents on Saturdays, and even
though my time is very limited, I decided to attend.
It was a nice experience for me to be
there for my child. Ms. Marsh presented the workshop well. These workshops empowered
me to stay focused and know that I can do anything that I put my mind to. I will do anything
to support my child. We also had the opportunity to engage in other activities, including
exercise and art classes, with presenters they had for us, and that ran those pieces. It was
also enjoyable to be able to move our muscles. After the workshops, we went home feeling
relaxed and stress free.
Read more

I will never forget the help and the love Ms. Marsh showed me.

I was able to participate in the workshops personally and with my children. They have
helped me in my daily life, and in the
improvement of my relationship with my children, and
it helped me be involved more in their educational and emotional development. Our
beloved and distinguished principal, who teaches the workshops for parents and students,
is a jewel. By having the opportunity to share our experiences during our monthly meetings
and the exposure of our principal, my life has changed in every aspect. Our time is
valuable, and I am glad I attended because it was an experience never before experienced.
I think these types of program empower parents to walk hand in hand with our children and
school. We are a family, and together, we are better.
Read more

The self-development workshops helped me lose fear, know that if I want it, it’s possible,
and that if I have a goal, I should
not wait for it, but act on it. They helped me to
understand and accept people with their strengths and weaknesses, how to communicate
with my children in a way they can understand me better, and value what I have to offer,
which is a lot. With God, I am going to try to start the English classes, which I find difficult
to start, but I now know I can.
Read more

The workshops conducted by Mrs. Marsh were liberating. They address the mind, body
and soul of the individuals, their family,
and the community. I looked forward to attending
these healing workshops of self-development with fitness/wellness, arts, resume writing,
cover letter creation, knowing how to navigate technology and how to communicate with
our children. They were illuminating, fun and I’ve never felt better. Thank you!
Read more

My name is Maria T. I wanted to thank the Principal, Mr. Marsh, and the participants for
the time I’ve spent in the yoga with the
Principal class. For me, this has been an
amazing experience for my life and health. It has given me the energy to move forward
and live each day to the max. I am not worried about my problems and take everything
day by day. Since January of 2018, I have been suffering with pain in my head and the doctor told
me I had a tumor in my ear. After I began to see this affected me physically, I began
breaking down. Different ranges of emotions ran through my mind. I began to think that
it was better for me to die now, than go through the suffering.
With the advice of some friends, they told me to go to the doctor to get checked. I went
and began to describe my symptoms and they did many exams. I had appointment
after appointment, and no one has been able to pinpoint the issue and it just made me
even more desperate. I never did yoga before and once I received the messages from the school, I thought:
“What do I have to lose?” When I started, I felt relaxed, less stressed, and happy. I also
began doing yoga at home with the moves that I remember being taught, at least once a
week. When our session finished, I was able to look into the mirror and feel healed,
beautiful, and surrounded by likeminded people who are here to support one another.
The school supports the students and families, and that makes a big difference. My son,
a very shy but hard-working man, blossomed at the school, and was able to graduate
early, with an Advanced Regents Diploma, and is ready for the next stage of his life.
Read more

As a parent of two graduates of school Mrs. Marsh led, I am very proud of the programs
and resources the school has to
offer not only to the students, but to the parents which
is a rarity.
With everything from workshops, continuing education, and health wellness, these
services were not only beneficial, but vital to our community.
Our principal, Ms. Marsh, is not only a beacon at the school, but the driving force behind
the school itself for if it were not for her perseverance and dedication, the school would
not be what it transformed into. Although my kids are no longer here, I will still continue to support the school in all
aspects that I can, for it was the foundation that was fundamental for my children’s
future in college.
After taking the self-development workshops that Ms. Marsh offered for students and
families, I changed my way of being, my attitude, and I began fulfilling the goals. I set to
achieve goals like getting a new job, improving my English, exercising, and involving myself
in my child’s education by volunteering in the school.
Read more

I had two sons in this school and as of 2018-2019 I heard about the self-development
workshop during the parent
association meetings. I finally decided to attend the
workshops. The testimonies that some of the parents gave, made me want to learn more
of what they were experiencing. Since I wanted to get rid of my fear of speaking with
people, I thought this would be the best opportunity and doors have opened based on
what I learned.
By attending the workshops, it has helped me by finding different tactics on how to lose my
fear of speaking when I am in groups; I am very shy. After going to the workshops, I
decided to look at life positively, not negatively. Mrs. Marsh told me not to allow fear to be
the reason why I could not accomplish any goals I set out for myself. When I would begin
talking in large groups, I would be scared. I would always wonder, are they laughing at
me, or will they talk about me but for my growth? I went for it. For me to achieve anything,
I must block all the naysayers, beginning with myself. I began to see that there are many
more people that will encourage the growth.
Due to this, it has helped me at home. I have begun thinking before I reacted emotionally.
Before, if I needed to accomplish something and I could not, I would cry, feeling lost and
unsuccessful. With the encouragement of others, I have changed my way of thinking in
knowing that although it may not happen the first time, I must work to make it happen if I
really want it.
Since I began thinking before reacting emotionally, it helped my relationship with my
children. My kids became rebellious as they entered adolescence, and I learned in the
workshops to understand that this is something they are going through emotionally. If I am
unable to help them, that is ok. I just focus on seeking help and find someone that I can
talk to and who can talk to them, removing the stigma of mental health. I just hope they
see that although I was being strict, it was because I love them and want the best for
I have personally seen many parents who have advance in life because of the they
learned in the workshops. One parent created her own business by driving cabs and that
encouraged me to try and get my driver’s license. By learning to give opportunities a shot,
although a bit fearful, I am jumping into any situation with both feet in. I am removing all
negative energy and replacing it with nothing but positivity because the ultimate goal is to provide my children with a legacy. Thank you, Mrs. Marsh, for giving so much of your time
to want to empower and better our community.
Read more

The school is designed as a preparatory school for 9-12 grade students going to college. It has shaped and impacted me and
my daughter's life in several ways. The school culture value created by the principal, Ms. Marsh, and the teachers, makes students feel connected, valued and foster encouragement amongst students. It creates a conducive environment to learn.
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When I needed any help with confidence or stress, or any problem I might have been facing, I’d go to Ms. Marsh, and she
would be able to give me ideas and solutions to calm me down; she is very creative. I had faith and blind-trust in the staff in my school. I knew that whenever there was a problem, I could always go get help.
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When I first went to the school building, I felt everybody was willing to help me. I got to talk to the principal right away. No
schedules, no waiting, no fancy appointments, everything was running so smoothly that I thought something was off. But no, it was just plain kindness and desire to help. The staff and the principal were really helpful.
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Ana made me feel so safe and loved during my secessions with her. The Trauma therapy helped with building my long lost self confidence from when I was 12 years old as a result of being bullied in middle and high school.
Ana has helped me tremendously in so many ways. Before I met Ana I was constantly in flight or fight mode trying to constantly please people to like me by doing things I thought would make them love me, but Ana has helped me see that I dont have to do anything different but be myself and the people who love me will love me for who I am. She helped me rescue my inner child from all the Shame and guilt I held inside me. I love how Ana would always be there for me no matter what was going on in my life. I truly appreciate her and everything she did to help me overcome my Trauma. She is definitely a blessing.
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It is very personalized to help and target what you need/want with a variety of techniques.
March 08, 2022
•Hired on Thervo

Ms. Marsh’s warm tones and calm demeanor immediately made me feel safe and trusting of her as someone who can
me. She can help me break out of my shell and allow me to express myself and be my person, and she can use simple and direct
questions to guide me through the challenges I was dealing with at the time. Ms. Marsh is extraordinary, helpful, excellent,
intelligent, and outstanding.
November 11, 2021
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* I came to therapy for help with persistent social anxiety and depression. My therapist is a kind and compassionate listener who helps me understand what's happening in my brain and body during
these episodes. She has taught me effective techniques to deal with them when they happen, and gives me advice on how to notice and challenge my thinking patterns, encouraging a more empowering perspective. I learn so much about how to become a stronger and better version of myself.
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* Ana's approach to therapy and passion for helping people has given me something I feared I would never have, happiness. I did not know what being happy was, but Ana pivoted my therapy until we
found something that worked and has given me something I am eternally grateful for!
* Working with Ana has changed my life. Her compassionate honesty and the amazing work that we do (EMDR, mindfulness, etc) has empowered me to make many changes in my life. She is extremely knowledgeable and endlessly helpful. I feel very lucky to have her as a therapist.
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I had a major stroke in February 2023. It's been a little over a year. After the stroke, I had difficulty remembering things, difficulty with speech,
and with motor skills. I started Neurofeedback at the end of October 2023. Since I started, there have been many changes. I remember a lot more things lately. My speech is clearer and faster, and I am able to engage in conversations, which I was unable to do prior to that. My sense of humor is back and I am able to laugh and engage when people say things that make me laugh. Before, my balance was very off, but now, my balance has improved a great deal.
I am very glad to have the ability to do Neurofeedback. I have done about 20 sessions so far, and It has made a big difference in my recovery. I am looking forward to more changes and improvements. I am now more hopeful and know that with time, I will be close to my normal self.
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My husband had a major stroke in February 2023. We had no idea what was going on at first. We found out that he had a series of strokes and we saw the decline of the strokes taking effect. It got to the point where he could not speak, chew, or do any of his normal bodily activities. He couldn't write, walk (without stumbling or falling), or move his hands. He was in the hospital for a month. He had a neurologist, a cardiologist, a physical therapist, and a social worker.
While in rehab, there were some improvements. He was able to sit up and talk a little better. Very slow speech and difficulty recalling words, but we were able to get what he was trying to say. Nonetheless, he was having lots of issues in expressing his thoughts and with his speech in general. He was more responsive, was able to smile more, etc. After he was released from rehab, his mobility was a little better, but he couldn't do it on his own. He wasn't able to move on his own and would get dizzy. He couldn't sit by himself. He could not move his right side. He still couldn't swallow and was not talking a lot. By October, there was more progress. However, he was answering one word answers and moving better. He still needed a walker. He was still shifting to one side and the walker would lift.
He started neurofeedback at A Mindful Talk Health Services in November 2023. After about 3 sessions, we started seeing changes with his mobility and speech. After Thanksgiving, he started to not need the walker and he wasn't shifting. He was keeping his eyes open when walking. Before that, he would keep his eyes closed because he would get dizzy. He started laughing more, interacting, and talking more. He would talk on the phone, and he would use the phone and talk on it more. He still does not interact and use the phone much, but if asked if someone calls him, he does. He sits up on his own, takes a shower on his own, walks way better, and he has a smart mouth again.
Since he started Neurofeedback, we have seen many changes and see it has helped him a lot! He was unable to read, but now is reading, his memory has improved a lot. At times he still has to think a little bit longer, but he remembers things now. He can even sign his name again.
It was very rough to go through what he had to go through and having someone who used to be a full time manager of a supermarket store, a husband and a father, become totally dependent on us. Now, he is becoming more independent again. I feel much more hopeful that by the summer time, we will see many more changes as he continues his Neurofeedback treatment.
They did a 2nd brain map today. He's only done about 20 sessions of Neurofeedback so far, and we have seen amazing changes. I can't wait to see the changes we see in the brain map as well, and the changes we will see in the future.
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Ana’s leadership has allowed me to understand what leadership looks like, through her vulnerability, her strength, and her power. I have learned so much from her about how I want to show up for myself and my community. She is such an anchor of grace and an example of how to lead with love

I feel blessed to have worked with a great leader such as Ana, who listened to her employees and worked at creating a healthy environment for everyone to grow in staff member.

Ana made our students’ day brighter with welcoming energy. She is a visionary leader

Mrs. Marsh and her team were amazing! They care deeply for their students and go to great lengths to support them. That was even more evident this first year of the pandemic. They supported not only for our children, but everyone. Mrs. Marsh got parents to participate as much as possible, by working directly with them. It really made a difference this year in our lives. My child is a different person this year thanks to them and the way they work with your students. I am very grateful for all they have done.

Ana showed me that anything is possible. I believe that she also instilled the idea into our students. I am thankful to her for being who she is. Never change! She has been the change that our school needed. I knew we were on solid ground because of all the things she did I am grateful that she mad my time at the school more pleasant. Ms. D., Staff

Ms. Marsh took her own time to teach us yoga and to be mindful. I always looked forward to our Fridays and felt peaceful. It was a great way to bring staff, students, and families together. Together, we learned how to take care of our mental health, so that we could support our community better.

The dream was always there but it was hard to take the first step. I came to the USA in 1997 with my wife and we were only supposed to stay for 2 years. Then we began to receive blessings; our children. After that, everything changed. Our frame of mind shifted from worrying about us to focusing on the entire family. With work and the kids schooling, time flew by quickly and we found ourselves stuck in a routine that was hard to break.
The Principal began self-development workshops for the parents, and from there, it all took off. The course gave us the strength and the mind frame of taking action in our lives to do what we always wanted but never did. We are living by that phrase now, “making decisions for the future by taking action in the present”. I am now a proud owner of my own company. Thank God, the business is beginning to take off.

Mrs. Marsh offered self-development workshops for parents on Saturdays, and even though my time is very limited, I decided to attend. It was a nice experience for me to be there for my child. Ms. Marsh presented the workshop well. These workshops empowered me to stay focused and know that I can do anything that I put my mind to. I will do anything to support my child. We also had the opportunity to engage in other activities, including exercise and art classes, with presenters they had for us, and that ran those pieces. It was also enjoyable to be able to move our muscles. After the workshops, we went home feeling relaxed and stress free.”

I will never forget the help and the love Ms. Marsh showed me.

I was able to participate in the workshops personally and with my children. They have helped me in my daily life, and in the improvement of my relationship with my children, and it helped me be involved more in their educational and emotional development. Our beloved and distinguished principal, who teaches the workshops for parents and students, is a jewel. By having the opportunity to share our experiences during our monthly meetings and the exposure of our principal, my life has changed in every aspect. Our time is valuable, and I am glad I attended because it was an experience never before experienced. I think these types of program empower parents to walk hand in hand with our children and school. We are a family, and together, we are better.

The self-development workshops helped me lose fear, know that if I want it, it’s possible, and that if I have a goal, I should not wait for it, but act on it. They helped me to understand and accept people with their strengths and weaknesses, how to communicate with my children in a way they can understand me better, and value what I have to offer, which is a lot. With God, I am going to try to start the English classes, which I find difficult to start, but I now know I can.

The workshops conducted by Mrs. Marsh were liberating. They address the mind, body and soul of the individuals, their family, and the community. I looked forward to attending these healing workshops of self-development with fitness/wellness, arts, resume writing, cover letter creation, knowing how to navigate technology and how to communicate with our children. They were illuminating, fun and I’ve never felt better. Thank you!

My name is Maria T. I wanted to thank the Principal, Mr. Marsh, and the participants for the time I’ve spent in the yoga with the Principal class. For me, this has been an amazing experience for my life and health. It has given me the energy to move forward and live each day to the max. I am not worried about my problems and take everything day by day.
Since January of 2018, I have been suffering with pain in my head and the doctor told me I had a tumor in my ear. After I began to see this affected me physically, I began breaking down. Different ranges of emotions ran through my mind. I began to think that it was better for me to die now, than go through the suffering.
With the advice of some friends, they told me to go to the doctor to get checked. I went and began to describe my symptoms and they did many exams. I had appointment after appointment, and no one has been able to pinpoint the issue and it just made me even more desperate.
I never did yoga before and once I received the messages from the school, I thought: “What do I have to lose?” When I started, I felt relaxed, less stressed, and happy. I also began doing yoga at home with the moves that I remember being taught, at least once a week. When our session finished, I was able to look into the mirror and feel healed, beautiful, and surrounded by likeminded people who are here to support one another.
The school supports the students and families, and that makes a big difference. My son, a very shy but hard-working man, blossomed at the school, and was able to graduate early, with an Advanced Regents Diploma, and is ready for the next stage of his life. Maria T. Parent
As a parent of two graduates of school Mrs. Marsh led, I am very proud of the programs and resources the school has to offer not only to the students, but to the parents which is a rarity.
With everything from workshops, continuing education, and health wellness, these services were not only beneficial, but vital to our community.
Our principal, Ms. Marsh, is not only a beacon at the school, but the driving force behind the school itself for if it were not for her perseverance and dedication, the school would not be what it transformed into.
Although my kids are no longer here, I will still continue to support the school in all aspects that I can, for it was the foundation that was fundamental for my children’s future in college.
After taking the self-development workshops that Ms. Marsh offered for students and families, I changed my way of being, my attitude, and I began fulfilling the goals. I set to achieve goals like getting a new job, improving my English, exercising, and involving myself in my child’s education by volunteering in the school.

I had two sons in this school and as of 2018-2019 I heard about the self-development workshop during the parent association meetings. I finally decided to attend the workshops. The testimonies that some of the parents gave, made me want to learn more of what they were experiencing. Since I wanted to get rid of my fear of speaking with people, I thought this would be the best opportunity and doors have opened based on what I learned.
By attending the workshops, it has helped me by finding different tactics on how to lose my fear of speaking when I am in groups; I am very shy. After going to the workshops, I decided to look at life positively, not negatively. Mrs. Marsh told me not to allow fear to be the reason why I could not accomplish any goals I set out for myself. When I would begin talking in large groups, I would be scared. I would always wonder, are they laughing at me, or will they talk about me but for my growth? I went for it. For me to achieve anything, I must block all the naysayers, beginning with myself. I began to see that there are many more people that will encourage the growth.
Due to this, it has helped me at home. I have begun thinking before I reacted emotionally. Before, if I needed to accomplish something and I could not, I would cry, feeling lost and unsuccessful. With the encouragement of others, I have changed my way of thinking in knowing that although it may not happen the first time, I must work to make it happen if I really want it.
Since I began thinking before reacting emotionally, it helped my relationship with my children. My kids became rebellious as they entered adolescence, and I learned in the workshops to understand that this is something they are going through emotionally. If I am unable to help them, that is ok. I just focus on seeking help and find someone that I can talk to and who can talk to them, removing the stigma of mental health. I just hope they see that although I was being strict, it was because I love them and want the best for them.
I have personally seen many parents who have advance in life because of the they learned in the workshops. One parent created her own business by driving cabs and that encouraged me to try and get my driver’s license. By learning to give opportunities a shot, although a bit fearful, I am jumping into any situation with both feet in. I am removing all negative energy and replacing it with nothing but positivity because the ultimate goal is to provide my children with a legacy. Thank you, Mrs. Marsh, for giving so much of your time to want to empower and better our community.

My name is Eva M. I came to the United States from Mexico in 1997. I told my father that I was staying for 10 years with the hope to buy my own land in Mexico, build a house, buy a truck, make a little bit of money, and return home to Mexico. Instead, I got married, had 2 sons and I continued to work out of necessity, but no money went toward my goals. Years passed, and when my children were ready to start High School, they came to BSSJ. One day I got an invitation to attend some workshops that the Principal, Ms. Marsh, would be conducting. I wasn’t sure if I was going to come. I kept debating, should I go or not, and finally I decided to give it a shot. I convinced my husband to attend with me since we did not work on Saturdays, and we both could attend. That Saturday, I woke up the boys as well and we all went to the workshop. They were giving the same workshops for the students. When we got home from the workshop, we discussed what we thought about it. My husband jokingly said he liked the food. The boys thought it was interesting. We continued to attend the workshop, 1 Saturday a month, and we came together as a family.
One of the things that I began to realize is that our dreams don’t come true unless we take action. In the workshops, we did activities that helped us change the way we spoke and thought. We went from “want to do”, to taking action. The course was enjoyable. We did activities and other workshops like painting and exercise. One time, we had a trainer that worked with us. There was so much to do, we didn’t have a chance to get bored.
My dream was to buy a piece of land. I did not just want the land to be in the surrounding area of town, but right in the center of town. About a year after taking the workshops, I bought not just one piece of land, but four! Now, as I think back, I see that because of the workshops, I started taking action, and the dreams that I came to this country with in 1997, have become a reality.
The self-development workshops Ms. Marsh offered to parents and students, helped me in many areas in my life. For instance, because I am diabetic, I lost 4 teeth. Ten years went by and I still had 4 teeth missing. During the workshops, I decided to have the recommended oral surgery. They implanted a bone. Then I went for the 2nd surgery to remove a net. In August, I will have the implant. This dream will become a reality after the 3rd surgery. I have temporary teeth right now that I could not use before because the bone did not hold them. After the two surgeries, I can use them again.
Another thing that happened while taking the workshops was that for the first time, we took a 17-day vacation as a family. It was a beautiful experience. We were together as a family and I would love to repeat it in the future. Before workshops, my children and I would go to Virginia, but my husband would not go. It was the first time that he went with us and stayed with us the entire time. The workshops helped me realize my self-worth, and gave me the courage to ask for a raise, but most importantly to demand respect from my employer who was pretty abusive in her treatment towards me. I decided that if I had to leave that job, I would. However, I did not have to because after the steps I have taken, things improved.
In the course, we cried a lot. For example, in one of the workshops, we had to visualize our future and how we wanted to be remembered. I think that it raised things that we had not thought about or imagined before. That experience helped me realize that I have to live to the maximum, be happy, be joyful, and remind my children every day that I love them. I realized that it is not worth spending time annoyed. Now I live my life and think differently. Now if someone asks me for advice about something that they are facing like divorce, somebody teats them poorly, they feel stuck, I can advise them to take action and address the conflict, look at what they can control and change that; and not stay stuck. Now I feel confident to speaking up and not just let things happen. Now I look for solutions to the problem.
I have seen changes in my children as well. They both took part in several of the schools’ extra curriculum activities. They also became members of the new music band. became certified lifeguards and obtained their beach lifeguard certification. The workshops allowed them to push beyond their limits and they got better grades. Both were in special education. They both graduated in the Honor Society and both got accepted into college.
My husband has changed a lot as well. He was motivated to start his own business. Now he focuses on the boys. Before he focused on his music, and now he spends more time with us. Our apartment has been renovated more and more. Now he helps me in the home by washing the dishes for example and if I am resting, he no longer wakes me up to do something. He also picks me up after work whenever he can. I also noticed that he pays more attention to me. That makes me very happy. Those are small important details that make me feel good. Before, if he paid me any physical attention in public like give me a hug for example in front of others, I would feel uncomfortable. Now, I like it. Those are enjoyable things

I feel blessed to have worked with a great leader such as Ana, who listened to her employees and worked at creating a healthy environment for everyone to grow in staff member.

Staff member
Ana’s leadership has allowed me to understand what leadership looks like, through her vulnerability, her strength, and her power. I have learned so much from her about how I want to show up for myself and my community. She is such an anchor of grace and an example of how to lead with love

Michelle S.
Ms. Marsh took her own time to teach us yoga and to be mindful. I always looked forward to our Fridays and felt peaceful. It was a great way to bring staff, students, and families together. Together, we learned how to take care of our mental health, so that we could support our community better.

Staff member
I will never forget the help and the love Ms. Marsh showed me.

Graduate– A. A
The self-development workshops helped me lose fear, know that if I want it, it’s possible, and that if I have a goal, I should not wait for it, but act on it. They helped me to understand and accept people with their strengths and weaknesses, how to communicate with my children in a way they can understand me better, and value what I have to offer, which is a lot. With God, I am going to try to start the English classes, which I find difficult to start, but I now know I can.

Mrs. Nelly G., Parent
Ana made our students’ day brighter with welcoming energy. She is a visionary leader

Angela C., NY
Mrs. Marsh and her team were amazing! They care deeply for their students and go to great lengths to support them. That was even more evident this first year of the pandemic. They supported not only for our children, but everyone. Mrs. Marsh got parents to participate as much as possible, by working directly with them. It really made a difference this year in our lives. My child is a different person this year thanks to them and the way they work with your students. I am very grateful for all they have done.

Jael V. Parent
Ana showed me that anything is possible. I believe that she also instilled the idea into our students. I am thankful to her for being who she is. Never change! She has been the change that our school needed. I knew we were on solid ground because of all the things she did I am grateful that she mad my time at the school more pleasant. Ms. D., Staff

Ms. D., Staff
The dream was always there but it was hard to take the first step. I came to the USA in 1997 with my wife and we were only supposed to stay for 2 years. Then we began to receive blessings; our children. After that, everything changed. Our frame of mind shifted from worrying about us to focusing on the entire family. With work and the kids schooling, time flew by quickly and we found ourselves stuck in a routine that was hard to break.
The Principal began self-development workshops for the parents, and from there, it all took off. The course gave us the strength and the mind frame of taking action in our lives to do what we always wanted but never did. We are living by that phrase now, “making decisions for the future by taking action in the present”. I am now a proud owner of my own company. Thank God, the business is beginning to take off.

Mr. Eduardo M.
Mrs. Marsh offered self-development workshops for parents on Saturdays, and even though my time is very limited, I decided to attend. It was a nice experience for me to be there for my child. Ms. Marsh presented the workshop well. These workshops empowered me to stay focused and know that I can do anything that I put my mind to. I will do anything to support my child. We also had the opportunity to engage in other activities, including exercise and art classes, with presenters they had for us, and that ran those pieces. It was also enjoyable to be able to move our muscles. After the workshops, we went home feeling relaxed and stress free.”

Mrs. Karen D., parent
I was able to participate in the workshops personally and with my children. They have helped me in my daily life, and in the improvement of my relationship with my children, and it helped me be involved more in their educational and emotional development. Our beloved and distinguished principal, who teaches the workshops for parents and students, is a jewel. By having the opportunity to share our experiences during our monthly meetings and the exposure of our principal, my life has changed in every aspect. Our time is valuable, and I am glad I attended because it was an experience never before experienced. I think these types of program empower parents to walk hand in hand with our children and school. We are a family, and together, we are better.

Danila P., parent
The workshops conducted by Mrs. Marsh were liberating. They address the mind, body and soul of the individuals, their family, and the community. I looked forward to attending these healing workshops of self-development with fitness/wellness, arts, resume writing, cover letter creation, knowing how to navigate technology and how to communicate with our children. They were illuminating, fun and I’ve never felt better. Thank you!

Ms. Tanya W., Parent
My name is Maria T. I wanted to thank the Principal, Mr. Marsh, and the participants for the time I’ve spent in the yoga with the Principal class. For me, this has been an amazing experience for my life and health. It has given me the energy to move forward and live each day to the max. I am not worried about my problems and take everything day by day.
Since January of 2018, I have been suffering with pain in my head and the doctor told me I had a tumor in my ear. After I began to see this affected me physically, I began breaking down. Different ranges of emotions ran through my mind. I began to think that it was better for me to die now, than go through the suffering.
With the advice of some friends, they told me to go to the doctor to get checked. I went and began to describe my symptoms and they did many exams. I had appointment after appointment, and no one has been able to pinpoint the issue and it just made me even more desperate.
I never did yoga before and once I received the messages from the school, I thought: “What do I have to lose?” When I started, I felt relaxed, less stressed, and happy. I also began doing yoga at home with the moves that I remember being taught, at least once a week. When our session finished, I was able to look into the mirror and feel healed, beautiful, and surrounded by likeminded people who are here to support one another.
The school supports the students and families, and that makes a big difference. My son, a very shy but hard-working man, blossomed at the school, and was able to graduate early, with an Advanced Regents Diploma, and is ready for the next stage of his life. Maria T. Parent
As a parent of two graduates of school Mrs. Marsh led, I am very proud of the programs and resources the school has to offer not only to the students, but to the parents which is a rarity.
With everything from workshops, continuing education, and health wellness, these services were not only beneficial, but vital to our community.
Our principal, Ms. Marsh, is not only a beacon at the school, but the driving force behind the school itself for if it were not for her perseverance and dedication, the school would not be what it transformed into.
Although my kids are no longer here, I will still continue to support the school in all aspects that I can, for it was the foundation that was fundamental for my children’s future in college.
After taking the self-development workshops that Ms. Marsh offered for students and families, I changed my way of being, my attitude, and I began fulfilling the goals. I set to achieve goals like getting a new job, improving my English, exercising, and involving myself in my child’s education by volunteering in the school.

Mary Q. Parent.
I had two sons in this school and as of 2018-2019 I heard about the self-development workshop during the parent association meetings. I finally decided to attend the workshops. The testimonies that some of the parents gave, made me want to learn more of what they were experiencing. Since I wanted to get rid of my fear of speaking with people, I thought this would be the best opportunity and doors have opened based on what I learned.
By attending the workshops, it has helped me by finding different tactics on how to lose my fear of speaking when I am in groups; I am very shy. After going to the workshops, I decided to look at life positively, not negatively. Mrs. Marsh told me not to allow fear to be the reason why I could not accomplish any goals I set out for myself. When I would begin talking in large groups, I would be scared. I would always wonder, are they laughing at me, or will they talk about me but for my growth? I went for it. For me to achieve anything, I must block all the naysayers, beginning with myself. I began to see that there are many more people that will encourage the growth.
Due to this, it has helped me at home. I have begun thinking before I reacted emotionally. Before, if I needed to accomplish something and I could not, I would cry, feeling lost and unsuccessful. With the encouragement of others, I have changed my way of thinking in knowing that although it may not happen the first time, I must work to make it happen if I really want it.
Since I began thinking before reacting emotionally, it helped my relationship with my children. My kids became rebellious as they entered adolescence, and I learned in the workshops to understand that this is something they are going through emotionally. If I am unable to help them, that is ok. I just focus on seeking help and find someone that I can talk to and who can talk to them, removing the stigma of mental health. I just hope they see that although I was being strict, it was because I love them and want the best for them.
I have personally seen many parents who have advance in life because of the they learned in the workshops. One parent created her own business by driving cabs and that encouraged me to try and get my driver’s license. By learning to give opportunities a shot, although a bit fearful, I am jumping into any situation with both feet in. I am removing all negative energy and replacing it with nothing but positivity because the ultimate goal is to provide my children with a legacy. Thank you, Mrs. Marsh, for giving so much of your time to want to empower and better our community.

Ms. Sara O., parent
My name is Eva M. I came to the United States from Mexico in 1997. I told my father that I was staying for 10 years with the hope to buy my own land in Mexico, build a house, buy a truck, make a little bit of money, and return home to Mexico. Instead, I got married, had 2 sons and I continued to work out of necessity, but no money went toward my goals. Years passed, and when my children were ready to start High School, they came to BSSJ. One day I got an invitation to attend some workshops that the Principal, Ms. Marsh, would be conducting. I wasn’t sure if I was going to come. I kept debating, should I go or not, and finally I decided to give it a shot. I convinced my husband to attend with me since we did not work on Saturdays, and we both could attend. That Saturday, I woke up the boys as well and we all went to the workshop. They were giving the same workshops for the students. When we got home from the workshop, we discussed what we thought about it. My husband jokingly said he liked the food. The boys thought it was interesting. We continued to attend the workshop, 1 Saturday a month, and we came together as a family.
One of the things that I began to realize is that our dreams don’t come true unless we take action. In the workshops, we did activities that helped us change the way we spoke and thought. We went from “want to do”, to taking action. The course was enjoyable. We did activities and other workshops like painting and exercise. One time, we had a trainer that worked with us. There was so much to do, we didn’t have a chance to get bored.
My dream was to buy a piece of land. I did not just want the land to be in the surrounding area of town, but right in the center of town. About a year after taking the workshops, I bought not just one piece of land, but four! Now, as I think back, I see that because of the workshops, I started taking action, and the dreams that I came to this country with in 1997, have become a reality.
The self-development workshops Ms. Marsh offered to parents and students, helped me in many areas in my life. For instance, because I am diabetic, I lost 4 teeth. Ten years went by and I still had 4 teeth missing. During the workshops, I decided to have the recommended oral surgery. They implanted a bone. Then I went for the 2nd surgery to remove a net. In August, I will have the implant. This dream will become a reality after the 3rd surgery. I have temporary teeth right now that I could not use before because the bone did not hold them. After the two surgeries, I can use them again.
Another thing that happened while taking the workshops was that for the first time, we took a 17-day vacation as a family. It was a beautiful experience. We were together as a family and I would love to repeat it in the future. Before workshops, my children and I would go to Virginia, but my husband would not go. It was the first time that he went with us and stayed with us the entire time. The workshops helped me realize my self-worth, and gave me the courage to ask for a raise, but most importantly to demand respect from my employer who was pretty abusive in her treatment towards me. I decided that if I had to leave that job, I would. However, I did not have to because after the steps I have taken, things improved.
In the course, we cried a lot. For example, in one of the workshops, we had to visualize our future and how we wanted to be remembered. I think that it raised things that we had not thought about or imagined before. That experience helped me realize that I have to live to the maximum, be happy, be joyful, and remind my children every day that I love them. I realized that it is not worth spending time annoyed. Now I live my life and think differently. Now if someone asks me for advice about something that they are facing like divorce, somebody teats them poorly, they feel stuck, I can advise them to take action and address the conflict, look at what they can control and change that; and not stay stuck. Now I feel confident to speaking up and not just let things happen. Now I look for solutions to the problem.
I have seen changes in my children as well. They both took part in several of the schools’ extra curriculum activities. They also became members of the new music band. became certified lifeguards and obtained their beach lifeguard certification. The workshops allowed them to push beyond their limits and they got better grades. Both were in special education. They both graduated in the Honor Society and both got accepted into college.
My husband has changed a lot as well. He was motivated to start his own business. Now he focuses on the boys. Before he focused on his music, and now he spends more time with us. Our apartment has been renovated more and more. Now he helps me in the home by washing the dishes for example and if I am resting, he no longer wakes me up to do something. He also picks me up after work whenever he can. I also noticed that he pays more attention to me. That makes me very happy. Those are small important details that make me feel good. Before, if he paid me any physical attention in public like give me a hug for example in front of others, I would feel uncomfortable. Now, I like it. Those are enjoyable things